Monday 9 July 2012

Bu Ali Qalandar

Hazrat Bu Ali Shah Qalandar


Bu-Ali-Shah Qalandar is one of the most renowned Sufi saints in history. He was born in early 1400 in Panipat, India. After the Ibadat of 36 years by standing in the water in Kernel he achieved the status of "Bu-Ali-Shah Qalandar". The Prophet Mohammed blessed him with the fragrance Bu Ali. After achieving this Rutba, many Sufi saints came to see Bu-Ali-Shah Qalandar. After many years of devotion and service Bu-Ali-Shah Qalandar is said to have disappeared into the sky in front of all his devotees. Now there is the Durbar of Bu-Ali-Shah Qalandar Sahib in Panipat, which is very well known as the Qalandari Gate.

More about the saint : His name was Sheikh Sharf Uddin and Bu-Ali Shah the title. His father, Sheikh Fakhar Uddin was a great scholar and saint of his time. The mother, Bibi Hafiza Jamal, was the daughter of Maulana Syed Nemat Ullah Hamdani. His father came from Iraq in the year 600 Hijri and settled down in Panipat. His lineage with several links reached Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa. He was born in 606 Hijri in Panipat.
He completed his studies at an early age and taught near the Qutub Minar in Delhi for 20 years. He was counted among renowned scholars and top-ranking teachers regarded him with respect.


Legend says after the ibadah (act of obedience and submission) of 36 years standing in the water in Karnal He was awarded the status of "Bu Ali" (Fragrance of Ali) by Muhammad. After achieving this Rutba (rank) He was visited by many other Sufi saints. 

An alternative legend to explain his name says that Muhammad appeared to him in a dream and offered him a wish. The Qalandar asked for prophethood and was told that all positions has been filled and Muhammad was the last one.
 He asked to be Ali and was told that position was also filled.He jumped into water as suicide saying if I can't be ALI then what is use of this life. But he did not Die it said water was ordered not to harm HIM. Seeing this He got lost in ecstasy. 

After 12 years He was asked again "SHAH SHARF what do you wish for".He said Ali. He was told you can't be Ali. Hearing this. HE lost again in ecstasy. After 12 years when God's blessing came again to its peak 
HE replied "ALI".
He was told there is Already an Ali 
if I made you Ali I have to make a NEW KAABA in which you 'll be born, 
I have to make PANJTAN PAK(FIVE HOLY BODIES) to which you be a part, 
If I made you Ali I have to changes Universes.
He was told you can't be Ali. Hearing this He lost again in ecstasy.

After 12 years when again GOD's blessings came to its peak. Allah called Ali and asked to convince him else I have to change universes in order to make him Ali.
Legend says Ali came to him said go hide yourself from me if you want to be Ali. He hide him self in depth of sea. while hiding he looked closely there was a old man doing ibadah(worship). when he looked closely it was Ali lost in ecstasy. It was as he was there from centuries lost in ecstasy. seing this he run and hide him self in clouds there when he looked closely he find Ali in clouds doing ibadah(worship). He ran again but wherever he goes he finds Ali there doing ibadah(worship)
Then he understood that staying in water 36 year doing ibadah can't compete with Ali who is doing ibadah from eternity. when Ali realized that he accepted that he can't be Ali. Ali gave him His own fragrance saying that from now you are BU ALI (Fragrance of Ali).
     At this he said his famous words in praise of ALI.
Haiderium Qalandram Mastam
Banda e Murtaza Ali Hastam
Peshwa e tamam Rindanam
Ke Sag e Koo e Sher e Yazdanam!
I am Haideri (relating to Haider, a second name for Ali ibn Abi Talib), Qalandar and Mast (intoxicated with inspiration)
I am a slave of Ali Murtaza
I am leader of all saints
Because I am a dog of the lane of "Allah's Lion" (referring to Ali)

Chroniclers say that he did not pledge obedience to a holy man but was admitted directly into the fold by Ali. 

Bu Ali Qalandar is a holy saint in both Hindu's and Muslims' community and his name is in the 19 spiritual leaders of which 11 are Muslims and 8 are Hindus.


The shrine around his tomb, built in 1356, gives a dazzling look with its Sindhi kashi tiles, mirror work and two gold-plated doors - one donated by the late Shah of Iran, the other by the late Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The inner sanctum is about 100 yards square with the silver canopied grave in the middle. On one side of the marble floor is a row of about 12 inch high folding wooden stands on which are set copies of Quran for devotees to read. On the other side, beside a bundle of burning agarbattis (joss sticks), are rows of diyas (small oil lamps) lighted by Hindu devotees. 

He lived in Panipat till death and served the people form there. Hundreds drew spiritual or divine benefits from him. Besides, he undertook to regular teaching and propagation of Islam. Hundreds embraced Islam because of him. The Rajputs, who lived around, were the great beneficiaries. He left a deep impact on the royal dynasty of Delhi, and preached them of good conduct.
One day a disciple of Shamsuddin Turk went to the city on an errand and saw Boo Ali Shah riding a lion and retold the episode to his teacher. Shamsuddin Turk said to his disciple, "Go to the residence of Boo Ali Shah and if you see him riding the lion, tell him: "The lion should live in the jungle." The disciple obeyed, found Hazrat Boo Ali Shah in the condition and conveyed his teacher's message. He rose from his place immediately and went to Ghote.
Death- It is mentioned in 'Sair-Ul-Akhtab' that he died on 17, Ramazul Mubarak 724 Hijri at Budha Khera but lay to rest in Panipat instead.

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