Thursday 8 March 2012

Chakara Pionts ~ The Seven Gates

Chakras are nexuses of metaphysical or biophysical energy within the body. There are seven main chakras, each situated at a different location in the body, albeit all located on a central vertical axis. It is First derived from Hindu sacred texts. But other religions also have similor concept knows by different Names. In Islamic sufi Traditions a similor concept is knows as "Lataif-e-sitta".  

Each chakra has a purpose and deals with a different emotion. As such, each chakra can be opened and closed depending on a given individual's state of
mind. When a chakra is open, energy is free to flow about the body. On the contrary, energy flow is restricted when a chakra is sealed. The chakras must be opened in a specific order, or the energy will not be able to flow.

This is the animated series of AVATAR S2 E19 : The Guru
In it Concept of Chakaras is Beautifully Described For Newbies

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