Saturday 22 September 2012

Moinuddin Hasan Chishti - [Khwaja Ghreeb Nawaz]

Moinuddin Hasan Chishti - [Khwaja Ghreeb Nawaz]

Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti (Persian: خواجہ معین الدین چشتی ) was born in 1141 and died in 1230 CE, also known as Gharib Nawaz (Persian: غریب نواز ), is the most famous Sufi saint of the Chishti Order of South Asia. He was born in 536 A.H./1141 CE, in Sajistan, Khorasan (other accounts say Isfahan) in Persia. He was a direct descendent of Muhammad.
He was one of the most outstanding figures in the annals of Islamic mysticism and founder of the Chistiyya order in India.

It was in the year of grace, 587 A.H. or 1191 A.D. that Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty(R.A) entered India and proceeded to Delhi via Fort Shaadman, Multan, Lahore and Samana (a town of the old Patiala State). At Lahore, Khwaja Sahab stayed for 40 days at the shrine of Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh, a great saint who had come to India before Khwaja Saheb and enjoyed considerable respect and popularity in the Punjab.

Warning of Raja Prithviraj's mother:

It must be recalled here that the learned mother of Raja prithviraj chauhan, who ruled Ajmer and Delhi at that time, had warned her son 12 years ago by her astrological knowledge that a "Saint" would enter his kingdom from the North one day and destroy it if he would not be wise enough to respect him and compromise with him. The Raja had, therefore, deputed intelligent spies all over the North-western frontier to watch the 'expected' saint with a view to foil his entry and finish him before he could do any mischief- When Khwaja Saheb reached Samana (a town of the old Patiala State) the spies were shrewd enough to recognise him and wanted to harm him by intrigue. They invited him to stay with them as their guest and accept their hospitality. But a 'Basharat' from the Holy Prophet warned him not to trust them but to continue his journey onward to Ajmer.

Entry in Delhi:
A great political event coincided with the journey of Khwaja sahab from Lahore to Delhi. On the decline of Sultan Mahmud's reign in Ghazni, Sultan Ghiyasuddin Ghauri and his brother Shahabuddin Ghauri had assumed power and captured Lahore from the last Ghazni governor Khusro Shah. Before returning to his capital Shahabuddin Ghauri was, however challenged (after he had captured Bhatinda) by, and suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Raja Prithviraj Chauhan of Ajmer in the first battle of Trawri or Tarain (40 Kos from Delhi) in 587 A.H. or 1191 A.D. He escaped miraculously with his wounds by the help of a faithful Khilji slave who carried him safe on his horseback from the battle field.

The Khwaja Saheb on his journey to Delhi met some Khilji and Pathan sepoys - remnants of Shahabuddin Ghauri's defeated army - who warned the saint not to vesture his entry into Delhi at such a dangerous time. But, as has always been proved, he was too big for such a warning and, despite all prevailing prejudice against Muslims in such an atmosphere, he continued his journey courageously towards Delhi.

It can be easily surmised that the Khwaja Saheb's entry in Delhi, under such a prejudiced atmosphere, must have taxed his and his few followers' courage and perseverance to the utmost capacity, specially when they had nothing to protect themselves except their staunch faith in Allah. And indeed nothing could disturb or prevent him and his resolute mission even when his appearance actually infuriated the inhabitants of Delhi. A citizens' deputation approached Khandey Rao, the cousin of Raja Prithviraj and governor of Delhi under his regime, and easily obtained his orders for the immediate expulsion of Khwaja Saheb and his few companions from Delhi. But whosoever went to execute the order, he was so irresistibly over-powered and subdued by the great saint's magnetic personality and affectionate demeanour that he was, on the contrary, obliged to listen to Khwaja Saheb's sermon and embrace Islam instead of evicting him from the city. This was the great saint's fast miracle on the soil of India, which killed all prejudice against his religion surprisingly and converted the same into a deep affection and reverence for him. As this news went round the city, people began to flock round him in ever increasing numbers and embraced Islam unhesitatingly. When sufficient seed of Islamic faith was thus scattered in the soil of Delhi, the Khwaja Saheb deputed Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (his beloved Khalifa) to carry on the good work there and himself proceeded to Ajmer.

Jo Nur Hai Ajmer Ki Galion Ka Ujala
Aik Aik Kiran Uski Madiney Se Chali Hai 

( "The light that radiates in the lanes of Ajmer", "each ray of it comes from Madina". )


His poetry in praise of Imam Hussein ibn Ali is well known, specially the following verse:
Shah Ast Hussein Badshah Ast Hussein
Ruler is Hussain, Emperor is Hussain
Deen Ast Hussein Deen Panah Ast Hussein
Faith is Hussain , guardian of faith is Hussain
Sar dad na daad dast dar dast e yazeed
Offered his head and not the hand to Yazid
Haqaaq e Binaa e Laa iLaha Ast Hussein

For more poetry please cheack the poetry section :)

Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty(R.A) arrived in AJMER at the age of 52 years around 587 A.H./1190 A.D., on his divine mission, unique in the annals of Islam. His only Armour for the success of his great mission was the greatest "invisible power" the pervades and sustains the whole universe. At that time Ajmer was ruled by Prithvi Raj Chauhan the famous Rajput king. In his court, he had a large number of powerful magicians with Ajai Pal as their leader. Khwaja Saheb stayed at a hill close to Ana Sagar lake. Now known as the Chilla Khwaja Saheb. When news spread, that a very pious Dervish had come to Ajmer people began to flock to him in increasing number. Whosoever came to him, received the kindest treatment and blessing and simplicity that they began to embrace Islam. Many became his disciples. Even Ajai Pal submitted himself to the divine powers of Khwaja Saheb , gave up all his magic and became his disciple.

While this was going on at Ajmer Shahabuddin Ghori again attacked India, in 1192 A.D. and in the famous battle of Tarain defeated Prithvi Raj. When Shahabuddin Ghori came to know of the presence of Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer, he personally came to see him at his place, and enjoyed the grace of his meeting.

Khwaja Saheb continued his noble and magnificent mission, showing the path of truth to the people. He also sent his disciples and successors to different parts of country who too served the people and preached the tenants of Islam.

Some of his prominent successors are: 
1. Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.) (Delhi ob. 1236).
2. Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin Ganjshker (R.A.) (Pak Pattan ob. 1265).
3. Hazrat Shaikh Nizamuddin Aulia (Delhi ob. 1325).
4. Hazrat Shaikh Nasiruddin Chirage Delhi (Delhi ob. 1356).

It is reported that a lot of sacred saying were coined by his Holiness Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A).These were collected, recorded and presented by Persian writers and the Saints spiritual successors, like Hazrat Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki(Delhi), Baba Farid-ud-din Ganj shakar(pakisan), Hazrat Nizam-ud-din Awliya of Delhi etc. All these are valuable gems of wisdom. They have stood the test of time for 8 centuries, and their efficacy and value to the pious and virtuous people isi above question.We reproduce few of them-

1. Without performing "Namaz", none can approach 'Allah' (God), because 'Namaz' is the climax (Mairaj) in the process such approach for pious.
2. If all the rules of Namaz were not followed properly, it is struck back on the face of him who offers such a Namaz.
3. The heart of a lover (True lover of Allah) constantly burns with the fire of love so much so that what ever intrudes upon its sanctity is reduced to ashes.
4. A sin committed does not harm an individual so much as the looking down upon one's own fellow beings.
5. Of all the worship that pleases Almighty Allah, the best is the grant of relief to the humble and the oppressed.
6. Performance of charity is the key of attaining the state of generosity.
7. One who does not perform devotion to Allah is engaged in the career of attaining a sinful earning.

8. There are four fundamental virtues of the individual self :
Firstly refraining from begging in the state of penury.
Secondly, showing the attitude of the well-fed when feeling hungry.
Thirdly, maintaining cheerfulness in the time of sorrow,
Fourthly, befriending in the enemy.

9. That man is true devotee of Almighty Allah, who resigns with pleasure to the misfortune that comes from his beloved (Almighty Allah).
10. The path of love of God is such a path that who soever steps into it, loses himself.
11. For a follower of the path of truth it is worse than a sin to disdain or look down upon any one.
12. Those who are true Lovers of God give away both of the worlds for the sake of their Beloved and even then feel that they have done nothing worthy.
13. Perfection in faith is evident by three things :
(1) Fear (2) Hope (3) Love .

14. The teachings of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) have been recorded in several books of Mysticism.
The essence of his teachings are closest to Allah is one who possesses the following three qualities 
1.Magnanimity of the river
2.Kindness of the sun.
3. Humility of the earth

Noblest of characters is possessed by one who is 
1.Bountiful in poverty
2.Content in hunger
3.Cheerful in grief
4. Friendly in hostility

Surest way to keep off the internal punishment in the hell is: 
1 .To feed the hungry.
2. To redress the aggrieved.
3. To help the distressed.

Khwaja Gharib Nawaz's spiritual mission is to shatter the barriers which stand between man and man for diverse reasons and knit humanity in a Common bond of fraternity and love, regardless of religion, caste or creed. Since the inception of the Holy Shrine, over 8 centuries , religious customs, rites, duties, tradition and ceremonies have evolved and have been established, duly and faithfully performed by the hereditary members of the Khadim community in accordance with the tenets of Chishtya silsila (order).

Hajj and the Prophet’s ﷺ Command

Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra), after receiving the robe of caliphate from his spiritual guide and teacher, left on tours and travels again. He first reached Osh and then moved on to Isfahan where he met Sheikh Mahmud of Isfahan. He gave the clothes that he was wearing to Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (ra), implying that he had accepted him as his spiritual disciple. Thereafter, Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (ra) accompanied him on tours and travels in the year 583 AH/1187 AH. Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) left Isfahan for Makkah the same year. One day when he was absorbed in prayers in the Ka'ba, he heard a voice saying:
O, Moinuddin! We are greatly pleased with thee. Thou art given salvation. Ask for anything thou may'st like, so that we may grant that to thee.
He respectfully responded:
O, Great God! Grant salvation to the followers and disciples of Moinuddin.
He received the reply:
O, Moinuddin! Thou art our accepted one. I will give salvation to thy followers and disciples and also to those who may enter thy fold till the Day of Resurrection.
After paying respects to the Ka'ba and performing the hajj he reached Medina and devoted himself to prayers in the Ka'ba mosque. During his stay, he received a mandate from the Court of the Holy Prophet Mohammad ﷺ to the effect:
O, Moinuddin! Thou art a helper of my religion. I entrust to thee the country of Hindustan. There prevails darkness. Proceed to Ajmer and spread there the Gospel of Truth.
He was immensely pleased with this mandate but wondered where Ajmer was situated. In the meanwhile, he was consumed with drowsiness. He was blessed by seeing the Holy Prophet Mohammad ﷺ in a dream who showed him the city, the fort, and the situation of Ajmer. He was bid farewell and was given a pomegranate from heaven.
Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (ra) reached Baghdad and moved on to Chisht on his way to Herat. From Herat, he proceeded to Sabzevar, which was ruled by Yadgar Mohammed, who also became his spiritual disciple.
He left Sabzevar and reached Shadman Fort, and then left for Lahore via Multan. He then proceeded to Delhi and stopped on the way at Samana (in the Patiala district), and from there, reached Ajmer for the first time in 587AH/1191 AD. He had forty followers with him.

Some other miracles .

1. Says Hazart Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A), " I never saw Hazart Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) angry with anyone as long as I remained with him. One day, Hazart Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) accompanied me and a servant Shaikh Ali were going out. Suddenly a man caught hold Shaikh Ali of his clothes and started abusing him. Hazart Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) asked the reason of the dispute. He said " Shaikh Ali is debtor and is not repaying the amount given to him." Khwaja Sahib (R.A) said, "Leave him. He will repay your debt." But the man again insisted. So Khwaja Sahib (R.A) got angry and he spread his shawl on the ground and asked to take from the shawl amount equal to the debt and warned not to take more than debt. The man picked up the money certainly more than the debt and soon his hand dried up. So he started crying and asked for mercy. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) pardoned him and his hand recovered. The man immediately became the disciple of Khwaja Sahib (R.A). 
2. It said that once Khwaja Sahib (R.A) was passing through a Jungle, some atheist dacoits came in his way. They used to snatch belonging of travelers and if the traveler was a Muslim they used to kill him as well. When these decoits faced Khwaja Sahib (R.A), there happened a miracle, The band of decoits who had been engaged in looting and killing the people, started trembling with fear, and fell on the feet of Khwaja Sahib (R.A) and said, "we are your slaves. Be kind to us" when they repented Khwaja Sahib (R.A) made them recite Kalima and thus they accepted Islam. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) forbade them for looting and murdering in the name of the Almighty.

3 . One day, a weeping old woman came to him and said, "Huzoor, the ruler had killed my innocent son. For God sake, help me."

Hearing the woman, Khwaja Sahib (R.A) was moved very much. He with his sceptre in his hand accompanied the old woman. Many followers and disciples also accompanied him. He arrived at the dead body of the boy, stood there silently and gazed at it for quite a long time. Then he stepped towards the body, put his hand on It said, " O boy, if you have been killed innocent, come to life by the grace of ALLAH." He just completed his sentence, the boy was alive. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) further said, " The man should be so close to ALLAH that his prayers are to accepted without any delay. If it is not, then he is not a Faqir."

4. Though Khwaja Sahib (R.A) had no means of income but he set up alangerkhana ( alms- house). The food was so abundant there that all the poor and needy of the city were fed with it. It is said that he directed the Chief of the alms- house to demand as much money as needed for the langarkana. The Chief used to come to him daily in the morning. On his arrival Khwaja Sahib (R.A) used to unfold the corner of his Musalla and asked him to take whatever required from the hidden treasury. He himself used to keep fast and broke it with the dried barley bread, weighing not more than five misqal (few grms)

5. A man came to him with the bad intention of killing him and showed great faith and loyalty to Khwaja Sahib (R.A). But his intention was revealed to Khwaja Sahib (R.A). So he said, "I am here, Do whatever you desire." Hearing this, the man started trembling and with great humbleness he told that it was not his own desire. Some other man wanted him to commit this heinous crime. Then he took out the dagger, and placed it before Khwaja Sahib (R.A) and asked for punishment. But Khwaja Sahib (R.A) said, " Revenge is not the practice of the Saints. Well, I pardon you." The man fell into the feet of Khwaja Sahib (R.A), repented, accepted Islam and became a disciple.

6. It is said, during the period of Khwaja Sahib (R.A) stay in Ajmer, the people from far and nearby, who went for the pilgrimage of Haj, on return used to tell that they have seen Khwaja Sahib (R.A) circumambulating the Khana-e-Kaaba; while in fact Khwaja Sahib (R.A) never want for Haj after his stay in Ajmer.

7. Once, Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A) was meeting with the king in the fort of Delhi. The other officials were also present there. Suddenly a characterless woman came there and asked justice. She requested the king to get her married, since she was under the state of mental pain. The king asked her to whom she wanted to be married, and which sort of agony she is facing, she said, "The fellow who is very close to you and called himself as Qutub has raped me. As a result I am pregnant. " Hearing the entire episode, all those present were shocked . They pulled down their heads with shame. Qutub Sahib (R.A) was also ashamed . He could do nothing but he turned his face towards Ajmer and called Khwaja Sahib (R.A) for his help. As and when Khwaja Sahib (R.A) heard cry of his dear disciple for help, he immediately reached there. He asked Qutub Sahib (R.A), "What is the matter ? Qutub Sahab (R.A) could not speak a single word and tears started rolling out of his eyes. The episode was revealed to Khwaja Sahib (R.A).

All this made Khwaja Sahib (R.A) very much angry. He turned to the crooked lady and said " O child, inside womb, your mother has alleged that Qutab Sahib (R.A) is your father. Tell whether it is true ?"

There was a clear voice, from inside the womb, heard by all present there. The child said, The statement is all wrong. The woman is a prostitute and has been sent by the enemies of Qutub Sahib (R.A) to insult and defame him." All the people were much surprised on hearing all about. The woman himself admitted her false allegation.

Khwaja Sahib (R.A) said, Only Allah can award honour and repute." And then he returned. Except Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (R.A), all were much surprised on arrival and disappearance of Khwaja Sahib (R.A).

8. It is said that one day, one of his disciples came to him. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) was busy in offering prayers. When he finished his prayers and turned to the disciple the disciple said "huzoor the ruler of the city has ordered me to exilewithout any fault of mine. So I am in great trouble." Khwaja Sahib (R.A) kept silence for some time, then said, " Don’t worry he has been punished. "When the disciple returned to the city, he heard the news that the ruler fell from the back of the horse and has died.

9. One day, Khwaja Sahib (R.A) was sitting near Anna Sager, A shepherd with some calves passed by, He said to the shepherd, " Dear give me some milk. "The Shepherd took it as a joke and said " Baba, they are calves and do not give milk. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) smiled and pointed towards a female calf and said, "Brother, I will take her milk." When the shepherd laughed, Khwaja Sahib (R.A) insisted, "Just see". The shepherd was very much surprised when he saw that her udders had become large and were full of milk. So he milked the calf which was enough for 40 persons. Seeing it, the Shepherd fell into the feet of Khwaja Sahib (R.A) and became his disciple.

10. One day, Khwaja Sahib (R.A) was sitting among the disciples and preaching. Suddenly he saw something on his right side. He stood up as paying respect to somebody. It happened again and again as and when he glanced towards right side. When the assembly was over and people left away, one of his servants asked the reason as to why he had been standing up repeatedly on having a look at right side. Khwaja Sahib (R.A) said, "The Mazar of my Peer-o-Murshid is located in that direction. As I looked towards that direction, the Mazar came before my eyes, so I stood up to offer respect."

11. It was the assembly of the saints. Everyone of them agreed to show his miracles. Thus Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A) turned his Musallah and took out some pieces of gold and gave them to a Durvesh and asked him to bring some sweets for all present their. Shaikh Ohuddin Kirmani (R.A) touched a piece of wood and it turned into gold.

When Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A) insisted, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) knew through Divine inspiration that one of the persons of the present assembly is hungry but could not tell others because of modesty . Thus Khwaja Sahib (R.A) took out four barley Rotis and put them before the person. 

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